USGS uses machine learning to show large lithium potential in Arkansas
Official US government websites use .gov and HTTPS for secure connections. RSS feeds allow users to receive immediate news updates from websites through browser extensions or third-party services.

Computer use, a new Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and Claude 3.5 Haiku
Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Haiku models are upgraded with improved coding and tool use tasks. Claude 3.5 Sonnet also gains computer use capability in public beta for developers to explore and provide feedback.

The Tragedy of Google Books (2017)
Google's plan to digitize millions of books was initially blocked by copyright lawsuits, but a settlement allowed Google to scan and sell out-of-print books, with 63% of revenue going to authors and publishers. The settlement was ultimately rejected by a US court due to concerns over Google's monopoly on out-of-print books, but it paved the way for future efforts to digitize and make books ...

Show HN: Rust Web Framework
Rwf is a Rust framework for building web applications using the MVC pattern. It's in early development, not production-ready, but contributions are welcome.

Show HN: Open-source Counter-Strike-like game
The game is a low-violence multiplayer FPS where teams fight to win rounds, with Attackers trying to desecrate the Defenders' sanctuary using a graffiti bomb. Players can download the game or build it locally, and contribute to the project by contributing code or assets.

We built a new powerful JSON data type for ClickHouse
ClickHouse introduces a new JSON data type for high-performance handling of JSON data with support for dynamically changing data, dense column-oriented storage, and tuning options. The new JSON type is built on top of ClickHouse's columnar storage and uses the Variant and Dynamic data types to efficiently store and read JSON data.

Tog's Paradox
Tog's Paradox states that products making tasks more efficient inspire new, more complex use cases. This leads to an ongoing cycle of increasing complexity as users fill saved time with more work.

The PlanetScale vectors public beta
PlanetScale now offers vector search and storage in open beta, allowing users to store vector data alongside relational MySQL data. This solution is based on Microsoft Research's SPANN and SPFresh algorithms, providing fast performance and large-scale scalability.

FTC's rule banning fake online reviews goes into effect
The FTC issued a rule banning fake online reviews and testimonials. Businesses that knowingly create or buy fake reviews will face civil penalties.

Show HN: I built a tool that helps people scan and clean any repo for secrets
Scan, clean, and prevent leaked secrets in your codebase, team’s logs, build environments, repos & CI pipelines. yZhXP1Wj6FHS2my8NOOP9T7uAJWOOYbxT9gaiQxK5Rl8wd2s6n35C Scan your codebase, logs, build environments, repos, and CI pipelines for leaked secrets and API tokens. yZhXP1Wj6FHS2my8NOOP9T7uAJWOOYbxT9gaiQxK5Rl8wd2s6n35C Scrub to detect and prevent leaking sensitive data to the client ...

First images from Euclid are in

Math is still catching up to the genius of Ramanujan
Hussein Mourtada confirmed a deep underlying structure of singularities in curves and surfaces, revealing a connection to Ramanujan's partition identities. Ramanujan's work, inspired by visions, has had a lasting impact on mathematics, appearing in various areas, including algebraic geometry.

Show HN: Ambulate – Detailed Trip Planning © 2019 :: Support

An Illustrated Guide to Maritime Signal Flags
The International Code of Signals is a standardized system for communicating safety and navigational messages using flags and codes. It includes a phonetic alphabet, substitute flags, and day shapes to convey messages in 9 languages.

Show HN: I made a Sonic runner game in JavaScript
You created a Sonic The Hedgehog infinite runner game in JavaScript using the Kaplay library, focusing on ring collection and enemy jumping. Visual artifacts persist on Firefox mobile, resolved by playing in landscape mode.

One Plus One Equals Two (2006)
Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica is a 1000-page book that proves basic mathematical concepts, including 1+1=2, using a complex system of logic and set theory. The book's authors, who were pioneers in mathematical logic, used a notation system that has since been simplified, and their proof of 1+1=2 relies on a series of small steps and definitions that may seem obscure to modern readers.

Understanding Gaussians
The normal distribution, or Gaussian distribution, is a fundamental probability distribution used in statistics, machine learning, and physics. It describes a process of sampling data and has a definite scale, with clear limits on the data. The distribution is characterized by its mean and variance, and it is symmetric around the mean. The standard Gaussian distribution is a special case of ...

SEC Charges Four Companies with Misleading Cyber Disclosures

Automated access to our sites must comply with's Privacy and Security Policy.

Numerical Precision Affects Mathematical Reasoning Capabilities of LLMs
Researchers analyzed Transformer-based LLMs' mathematical abilities, finding that low numerical precision hinders arithmetic tasks unless model size grows super-polynomially. Standard numerical precision enables efficient handling of arithmetic tasks with smaller model sizes.

MQTT turns 25
MQTT is a network protocol for efficient data exchange, originally designed for small devices on patchy networks, now widely used in various applications. The author, a former IBM employee, played a key role in promoting MQTT as an open protocol, contributing to its growth and standardization over the past 25 years.

MixRank (YC S11) Is Hiring Software Engineers and Ex-Founders Globally

MixRank is a fully-remote company that processes petabytes of data, working with big data, databases, and distributed systems. They're hiring passionate individuals for various roles, including junior engineers and generalist software engineers, with a focus on unique skills and interests.
LTESniffer is a tool that captures LTE wireless messages between a cell tower and smartphones. It supports capturing both downlink and uplink traffic, but cannot decrypt encrypted messages.

Against /tmp

The author argues that /tmp is a bad idea due to its shared global mutable state and security risks. They propose per-user temporary directories as a better solution.

Learning to Learn
You've conducted over 300 interviews in 3 years, meeting new people every 3-4 days to find the right fit for an early-stage startup. You emphasize learning and self-improvement, especially through effective learning strategies and being honest with oneself.

Just want simple TLS for your .internal network?
The script generates a root CA certificate with restricted domain usage via X.509 Name Constraints. It uses unencrypted keys or can be modified to use passphrases for added security.

Stages of Denial (2020)

You stumbled upon a mysterious programming language called "K" with a single-letter name and cryptic syntax, but found it intriguing and appealing. After exploring and experimenting with K, you realized it's part of a family of domain-specific languages with unique features and properties.

Civet: A Superset of TypeScript
Civet is a programming language that compiles to TypeScript or JavaScript, offering concise syntax and 99% JS/TS compatibility. It adds features and syntactic sugar for easier coding.

Show HN: Data Formulator – AI-powered data visualization from Microsoft Research
Data Formulator is an AI-powered tool for creating rich visualizations using large language models. It combines user interface interactions and natural language inputs for easier data transformation and visualization.

The Mad Files
MAD magazine, launched in 1952, was a satirical comic that poked fun at politics, culture, and society, influencing many comedians and artists. Its irreverent humor and absurdity made it a beloved and iconic publication until its decline in the 1980s.

Show HN: Steiner – An open-source reasoning model inspired by OpenAI o1*oa_mDZEOdK74WuuWqMok4w.png
Yichao Ji created Steiner, a reasoning model inspired by OpenAI o1, to explore multiple reasoning paths and validate or backtrack when necessary. Steiner achieved a +5.56 improvement on the GPQA-Diamond dataset but failed to reproduce inference-time scaling.