Why does man print "gimme gimme gimme" at 00:30? (2017)

00:30 失败,因为 man 命令中的一个 Easter egg 在 stderr 中打印 "gimme gimme gimme",这是在 00:30 时触发的。这个 Easter egg 在 man-db 2.8.0 中被移除,已经有六年了,尽管它曾经被一些用户触发。

Robert Dennard, DRAM Pioneer, has died

Robert Dennard)于1968年发明了DRAM(动态随机存取存储器),这是一个类型的随机存取存储器,开创了便宜且高密度的存储器。 他还开发了登纳德规律(Dennard scaling),这是一个理论,预测随着晶体管变小,晶体管的功耗保持不变。

Were RNNs all we needed?


Canvas is a new way to write and code with ChatGPT

ChatGPT推出Canvas,一个新的协作写作和编码项目界面,允许用户与ChatGPT一起工作。Canvas提供了新的协作方式,包括内联反馈和建议功能,适用于ChatGPT Plus和Team用户。

The Silk Road (2023)

Wang Yuanlu),一位道教僧人,在1900年在“无比高峻窟”(Grottoes of Unparalleled Height)中发现了一个隐藏的房间,里面有60,000份手稿,主要是佛教文本,已经封存900年。这些手稿揭示了丝绸之路上的远距离旅行者的生活,包括交换欧亚王国间奢侈品和礼物的外交使节。

I got everything off the cloud: I'm now paying 10x LESS money

We are letting you know that we are changing our URL, but your privacy and data protection settings remain the same.

Patent troll Sable pays up, dedicates all its patents to the public

Cloudflare 在一场五天的陪审团审判中击败了专利滥用者 Sable IP,陪审团裁定 Cloudflare 未侵犯 Sable 的专利,并且该专利无效。Cloudflare 赢得了这场案件,Sable 同意支付 22.5 万美元,并将其整个专利组合捐赠给公众。

Correcting the record for Continue and PearAI

YC 支持的 PearAI 面临着因其开源方法而引发的批评,尤其是对 Continue 进行了分叉。问题最终在 PearAI 道歉并纠正错误后得到解决,得到了 Continue 创始人的帮助。

IRS Direct File adds 12 additional states, covers more tax situations in 2025

IR-2024-258, Oct. 3, 2024 WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced today that Direct File will be available for the 2025 tax filing season in double the number of states than last year’s pilot, and it will cover a wider range of tax situations, greatly expanding the number of taxpayers eligible to use the free e-filing service.

Go Concurrency vs. RxJS

Go 程序由于一个被取消的 goroutine 导致的关闭通道引起了 panic。这种问题可以通过使用 WaitGroups 来等待所有 goroutine 完成后再退出 main 函数来解决。

The Heart of Unix (2018)

The author praises Unix for its programmability, allowing users to easily extend the system by writing shell scripts and combining existing programs, and argues that this synergy is a key factor in its productivity and flexibility. However, the author also identifies several shortcomings in Unix, including its outdated file system, terminal, and permission system, and suggests that evolving ...

Why and how we’re migrating many of our servers from Linux to the BSDs

Stefano Marinelli)是BSD Cafe的创始人,他分享了他将客户从Linux迁移到BSD的经历,称其改善了稳定性和可靠性。他现在管理着78%的FreeBSD虚拟机和66%的BSD负载,收到了客户的积极反馈。

DOSBox-X: Enhanced Fork of DOSBox for Expanded DOS and Retro PC Support

DOSBox-X 是一个 DOS 模拟器,它不仅可以运行 DOS 游戏,还支持 Windows 3.x、9x 和 ME 模拟。它的目标是成为一个完整的模拟包,用于模拟 2000 年之前的 DOS 和 Windows 9x 基于系统。

Perfctl: A Stealthy Malware Targeting Linux Servers

Aqua Nautilus 研究人员发现了一种针对 Linux 服务器的 Linux 病毒称为 "perfctl",它通过寻找超过 20,000 种配置错误来攻击和利用 Linux 服务器,并使用复杂的技术来逃避检测和保持持久性。该病毒可以通过寻找 CPU 使用率的异常波动、检查 /tmp、/usr 和 /root 目录中的可疑二进制文件以及监控高资源占用的进程来被检测出来。

Personal Names Around the World (2011)


UK will give sovereignty of Chagos Islands to Mauritius

The UK will hand over the Chagos Islands to Mauritius after over half a century, including the US military base on Diego Garcia. The deal aims to address past wrongs and ensure the islands' future, with the UK providing financial support and the US continuing to operate the base.

Why does Lisp use cons cells? (1998)

Erik Naggum)解释了为什么Scheme使用cons细胞(cons cells),即指针对的对,来实现列表。这种设计是非常出色的,它允许列表操作在常数时间内进行。

The Unraveling of Space-Time

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FLUX1.1 [pro] – New SotA text-to-image model from Black Forest Labs

FLUX1.1 [pro] 的改进包括:

Interviewing for Evidence

The user describes a model called "interviewing for evidence" which involves gathering four types of evidence: experiential, hypothetical, opinion, and credential to make informed hiring decisions. This approach helps to reduce subjectivity and inconsistency in the hiring process, making it more defensible and effective in identifying great candidates.

Mux (YC W16) is hiring a video engineer

Mux 是一款面向开发者的视频平台,旨在通过解决复杂问题来实现视频的民主化。它是一支紧密团结的团队,拥有来自 Google、YouTube 等公司的经验丰富成员,并得到顶级投资者的支持。

Skymont: Intel’s E-Cores reach for the Sky

Intel的Lunar Lake芯片采用了新型E-Core架构称为Skymont,取代了在Meteor Lake中的Crestmont。 Skymont 提高了多线程性能,并且在处理低优先级后台任务时提高了功耗效率。

Show HN: Screensavers for your terminal (Bevy/Ratatui)

ratatui 在终端中渲染屏保插件。它可以在任何 shell 中立即启动,但目前的无活动延迟功能仅在 Zsh 中可用,需要设置 TMOUT 环境变量。

SiteOne Crawler – big tool with no users

The tool audits websites for imperfections and non-optimized parts, generates a static offline version, and allows easy sharing of reports. It can be used through a desktop application or command-line interface with various features and options.

Dance training superior to physical exercise in inducing brain plasticity (2018)


Improving Accessibility Using Vision Models


Sequencing wastewater may be key to getting a grip on the H5N1 bird flu outbreak


HTTrack Website Copier


US Dept of Energy announces $1.5B in electric grid improvements

15 亿美元用于四个输电项目,以提高输电网的可靠性和容量。这些项目将在六个州增加 1,000 英里新的输电线路和 7,100 兆瓦的容量。