Happy 20th Birthday, Y Combinator

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Sorting algorithms with CUDA


Fastplotlib: GPU-accelerated, fast, and interactive plotting library


New tools for building agents


Show HN: Factorio Learning Environment – Agents Build Factories

Factorio学习环境(FLE),用于评估大型语言模型(LLMs)在长期规划、程序合成和资源优化方面的能力。 FLE在开放性和指数级增长的挑战中测试LLMs,揭示了空间推理和错误分析的局限性。

NASA to launch space observatory that will map 450M galaxies

NASA 的 SPHEREx 任务将在两年内绘制 450 亿个星系,以研究星系形成和演化。该任务旨在回答宇宙起源和大爆炸的基本问题。

In contrast to Earth, Mars's middle atmosphere appears driven by gravity waves

Researchers at the University of Tokyo found that gravity waves drive latitudinal air currents on Mars, particularly at high altitudes. This discovery highlights fundamental differences between Mars' and Earth's middle atmospheres and may improve climate and weather simulations.

Launch HN: Sift Dev (YC W25) – AI-Powered Datadog Alternative

Kaushik 和 Ishir 建立了 SiftDev,一个智能日志工具,它能够自动识别异常并让用户通过自然语言查询与日志进行交互。它通过理解应用程序的背景和行为模式,填补了机器生成的日志数据和人类洞察之间的差距。

The US island that speaks Elizabethan English

OCRACOKE岛位于北卡罗来纳州,拥有独特的方言称为Hoi Toider,融合了英语、爱尔兰和苏格兰的影响。该方言由于现代化和旅游业的发展而逐渐消失,但岛上的文化在其他方面仍然强烈存在。

Show HN: We built a Plug-in Home Battery for the 99.7% of us without Powerwalls


A 10x Faster TypeScript


Show HN: Krep a High-Performance String Search Utility Written in C

Optimized algorithms and memory-mapped file I/O deliver up to 5x faster search speeds than traditional tools. krep's performance advantages are particularly noticeable when processing large files on modern multi-core systems, where it can fully leverage hardware capabilities and parallel processing.

What Is It Like to Be a Bass? Fish-Eye View Photography (1919–22)

In a series of publications spanning the 1910s and 1920s, anglers attempted to crack the puzzle of fishing — what makes a fish bite, or not — through photography. Fisherman-scientists experimented with the cameras of their day to capture the world as seen from the fish’s eye. They created above-ground observation tanks, cordoned off sections of streams, and submerged “periscope”-like devices ...

Australian man survives 100 days with artificial heart in world-first success

100天。由丹尼尔·蒂姆斯博士(Dr Daniel Timms)发明的BiVACOR设备是一种旋转血泵,可以使用磁浮技术作为心脏的完全替代品。

Continue (YC S23) Is Hiring a Software Engineer in San Francisco

Continue is seeking a software engineer to build autocomplete and codebase retrieval features with a focus on detail and user experience. The ideal candidate is a deliberate problem solver with proficiency in TypeScript and Node.js.

Ask HN: How do you handle VAT / Sales Tax accounting as B2C SaaS?

You have a B2C SaaS on Stripe with subscribers across multiple countries and need help with reliable accounting companies to register and file Sales Tax in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. You're looking for solutions that handle registration and filing, not just data collection.

NIST selects HQC as fifth algorithm for post-quantum encryption

NIST 选择了一种备用加密算法HQc,以防御未来量子计算机。HQc旨在提供与之前标准化的ML-KEM算法并行的第二道防线。

Backyard Cyanide


What makes code hard to read: Visual patterns of complexity (2023)


The Startup CTO's Handbook

The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this book or its contents, and assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein. At the time of publication, the URLs displayed in this book refer to existing websites owned by the author and/or the author's affiliates. WorldChangers Media is not ...

Mapping the University of Chicago's 135-year expansion into Hyde Park and beyond


Smart researchers pioneer nanosensor for real-time iron detection in plants


Microsoft Windows 1.0 with Steve Ballmer (1986)

The Early History of Deferred Shading and Lighting

At the 2004 Game Developer Conference Matt Pritchard (one of my coworkers at the now closed Ensemble Studios who wrote Age of Empires 2's graphics code), John Brooks (CTO and my boss at Blue Shift Inc., the graphics programmer on "Super Mario Wacky Worlds") and I came out of the cold and gave a fairly rushed, but groundbreaking 1 hour presentation on real-time deferred rendering ...

How do we tell truths that might hurt? (1975)

Edsger W.Dijkstra)批评计算机科学(Computing Science)避免了编程语言和实践中不舒服的真相。他认为沉默会损害该领域的知识诚信(intellectual integrity)。

What ketamine does to the human brain

Elon Musk)使用可卡因(ketamine)来帮助缓解抑郁症状,但其频繁使用已被发现与认知效果和潜在成瘾有关。由于马斯克的行为和发言异常,人们对他使用可卡因的担忧日益升高。

America Is Missing The New Labor Economy – Robotics Part 1

Unix Needs a True Integrated Environment: CASE Closed (1989) [pdf]

For the computer programmer in search of a comfortable place to program. UNIX· historically has been not a bad place to settle down. Its long and strong tradition. its well-known functionality. and its growing popularity have helped to make UNIX a productive environment for many a software developer. As good as many perceive it to be. though. UNIX could afford to be made more comprehensive ...

Show HN: Program Explorer, a container playground

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Show HN: Seven39, a social media app that is only open for 3 hours every evening

Social media that's only open from 7:39pm to 10:39pm EST