They Thought They Were Free, by Milton Mayer, an Excerpt

A German scholar describes how the Nazi regime's gradual takeover went unnoticed by the public, who were distracted by daily life and propaganda. The regime's actions became increasingly extreme, but each step was small and justified as a necessary measure.

Beej's Guide to Git

Please keep in mind that I'm only human and there is a very, very high probability that there are errors in this guide. Additionally, I might simply not know what I'm talking about when it comes to something! So email corrections are highly appreciated! Contact Beej: [email protected]

I coded a Pascal compiler for transputer as a teen in 1993

Santa Rosa 岛是加利福尼亚州的一座 53,195 英亩的岛屿,拥有罕见的 Torrey 松树和 13,000 年前的人类遗骸。其他话题包括罗马尼亚企业家,天主教大教堂,自然保护区,德国雕塑家和区域电力行业组织。

What's happening inside the NIH and NSF needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

Nellie Bly

Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman (born Elizabeth Jane Cochran; May 5, 1864 – January 27, 1922), better known by her pen name Nellie Bly, was an American journalist who was widely known for her record-breaking trip around the world in 72 days in emulation of Jules Verne's fictional character Phileas Fogg, and for an exposé in which she worked undercover to report on a mental institution from ...

I spent five years building a webapp and got my first $1 (2022)
CoffeeScript、Riot.js和TypeScript,最终在Hacker News和GitHub上发布。该应用获得了一些关注和反馈,包括GitHub的赞助者,现在用户正在努力添加协作功能并改善性能。

Open Deep Research
🤗 smolagents: a barebones library for agents. Agents write python code to call tools and orchestrate other agents. - smolagents/examples/open_deep_research at main · huggingface/smolagents

Apple Invites
Apple Invites,一个新的 iPhone 应用程序,帮助用户创建定制的活动邀请。该应用程序允许用户创建、分享和管理邀请,并可从 App Store 或 下载。

Infosec 101 for Activists

America has a strong tradition of activism, dating back to slave revolts and indigenous uprisings even before the founding of the United States. Today, activism in the US remains critical. Street protests are an essential tool that activists use to raise awareness and push for institutional change. That being said, challenging existing power structures carries an element of risk - exposure ...

Suspension of inbound parcels from China and Hong Kong

Effective Feb. 4, the Postal Service will temporarily suspend only international package acceptance of inbound parcels from China and Hong Kong Posts until further notice. Note the flow of letters and flats from China and Hong Kong will not be impacted.

Nine – seemingly impossible C64 demo

You're creating a video explaining how something works and have a disclaimer about forum abuse. You're experiencing issues running a PRG file in VICE with a syntax error.

Ambsheets: Spreadsheets for Exploring Scenarios
AmbSheets)是对电子表格(Spreadsheets)的扩展,它允许一个单元格同时存储多个值,从而使得场景规划变得更加容易。这种特性称为多值(Amb Values),可以用来更灵活和交互地探索复杂的决策场景。

Zig; what I think after months of using it

Ah, Zig. I have a love-hate relationship with this one. A “new” (reading: appeared a couple years ago, already — yes, already), language with high ambitions. Zig was made to run at low-level, with a simple design to solve many problems C has (macros, allocators, error handling, more powerful types like baked-in tagged unions and bitsets, a better build system, no hidden control flow, etc.). ...

We need network societies, not network states (2024)
Balaji Srinivasan 的书 "The Network State" 提议了一种新型社会契约,通过区块链技术使其成为可能。这种社会契约要求个人加入一个共享 "一条诫命" 的网络国家,并由一位创始国王统治。然而,批评者认为这种理念存在缺陷,因为它依赖于简单化的思维方式,并忽视了网络的复杂性。网络是一种看待世界的方式,可以模仿但不能替代人类关系和机构。

CodeCrafters (YC S22) is hiring a software engineer to change how devs learn
CodeCrafters 推出的:全栈工程师角色,具有 UX 和产品设计兴趣。 CodeCrafters 提供了经验丰富的工程师的实践编程挑战,背靠 YC 和 Instagram 创始人。

America desperately needs more air traffic controllers,c_fill
Federal Aviation Administration)正在努力招募和留住足够的空中交通管制员来满足需求,这对空中交通管制的安全性构成了风险。

Huawei's Ascend 910C delivers 60% of Nvidia H100 inference performance
Huawei的Ascend 910C处理器在推理方面可以达到Nvidia H100的60%性能,但在人工智能训练方面则存在缺陷。中国对Nvidia GPU的依赖可能会因为Huawei的硬件进步而减少,尽管美国对Huawei的制裁仍在继续。

Alan Turing's "Delilah" project
Alan Turing)是一位密码破解者和计算机科学家,在二战期间,他参与了一个可携带语音加密系统的开发,名为德利拉(Delilah)。最近拍卖的贝利(Bayley)文件揭示了图灵作为创造性的电气工程师的工作,这一发现挑战了人们对他的专业知识的传统看法。

The Full Story of the FAA's Hiring Scandal

After my story on the FAA’s hiring scandal went viral, many of the people impacted and involved in bringing it to light reached out to me to share their stories in detail. While I initially intended to publish this in another outlet, after a couple of instances of radio silence and with life getting in the way, I put it on the shelf. Now, in the wake of the tragic plane crash on January 29 ...

You are asking the wrong question; 3D print business advice [video]

Oracle justified its JavaScript trademark with Node.js–now it wants that ignored
Oracle 提出了一项动议,要求驳回 Deno 对其 "JavaScript" 商标的撤销申请,称 Deno 以 Node.js 的截图作为在不同类别的使用证明。Deno 认为 Oracle 犯有商标欺诈罪,误导性地表示其与 Node.js 有关。

The APL Challenge

What really happens inside a dating app

Chat is a bad UI pattern for development tools


Google drops pledge not to use AI for weapons or surveillance

In Praise of Subspecies
Noah never reckoned with trinomials. Modern Creationists, grasping for footholds in the post-Darwinian world, maintain that Noah took 1,398 kinds of animal aboard his Ark, as the floodwaters gathered on the Mesopotamian plain. ‘Kind’, they argue, is a Biblical classification that corresponds to the modern ‘family’, and not, as you might imagine, to the modern concept of ‘species’. If Noah had ...

Securing edge device systems, including firewalls, routers, and VPN gateways

You don't have permission to access "" on this server.

Show HN: Language Learning from YouTube content
The service provides accurate video transcriptions and translations using AI models. It also offers vocabulary practice and support for users.

DeepRAG: Thinking to retrieval step by step for large language models
DeepRAG 是一个框架,它将检索增强推理建模为马尔可夫决策过程,以提高答案准确性和效率。它动态地确定是否在每一步检索外部知识或依赖参数推理,从而提高答案准确性 21.99%。